Kihon examination curriculum for 3-1 Kyu, performed by Nagaki Shinji, 5 Dan (JKS)


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Karateka  -  331 videos

Published:  9 years ago

Kihon techniques for the exam for 3-1 Kyu (brown belts), are the part of the examination program, according to the JKS (日本 空手 松涛 連 盟 - Japan Shoto Karate Federation).

Performed by Nagaki Shinji5 Dan (JKS).

From Zenkutsu-dachi, Gedan-gamae (Ki) 
  1. Sanbon-zuki 5x (step forward) 
  2. Jodan Age-Uke, Mae-geri, Gyaku-zuki 5x (step back)
  3. Chudan Soto-Uke, Kiba dachi Enpi 5x (step forward)
Change in Kokutsu-dachi (Ki)
  4. Shutou-Uke, Nukite 5x (step back)
Move straight into next move
  5. Gedan-Barai, Nekoashi-dachi, Uchi-uke, Zenkutsu-dachi Ura-zuki, Gyaku-zuki 5x (step forward)
Mawatte, Gedan-gamae
From Zenkutsu Ja-na-kamae (Ki) 
  6. Same Leg Mae-geri, Mawashi-geri 5x (step forward)
Mawatte, Gedan-gamae
From Zenkutsu Ja-na-kamae (Ki) 
  7. Ushiro-geri 5x (step forward)
Change into Kiba-dachi Kakiwake barai (Ki)
  8. Changing legs Yoko ke-age, Ke-komi 4x (sideways)
Mawatte, Gedan-gamae
  9. Jodan Shutou-uchi, Turning & stepping forward Enpi, returning & stepping back Uchi-uke Jodan Shutou-uchi 3x (step forwad)
Mawatte, Gedan-gamae
  10. Yori-ashi Gyaku-zuki, step forward Gedan Barai, Yori-ashi Gyaku-zuki Gedan barai 3x (step forward)

Category:  Shotokan-ryu

Section:  Learning Kihon

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